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3 Mistakes to Avoid if Your Home Has Water Damage

Water damage, whether it is caused by extreme weather or a burst pipe, can be one of the most structurally harmful incidents to affect your home. It can also be an incredibly stressful time as you worry about the future of your home and your possessions. By avoiding these mistakes and taking immediate action, you can minimize the damage caused to your house. 

#1: Ignoring the Warning Signs

While there is no way to predict flash flooding or heavy rainfall, cracked pipes and faulty appliances present certain warning signs you can look out for. If there is a leak in your home, it may present itself as water stains, warped floorboards, blistering wallpaper, or lingering odors. You may also notice a rise in your utility bills if excess water is leaking through a pipe. 

If you detect any of these signs, be sure to check the pipes that are accessible to you and call a licensed technician. 

#2: Unnecessary Panic

Unexpected incidents are always going to be a source of distress. As such, it is easy to become overwhelmed and start panicking about the future of your home and any potential costs attached to fixing the damage. While these concerns are natural, it is important to focus on what you can do straight away. 

If the water damage has originated from a burst pipe or broken appliance, the most important thing to do is shut off your water supply. In addition to this, it is advisable to also turn off your electricity. These simple procedures will serve to minimize the damage and create a safer environment for you to navigate. 

After turning off your water and electricity, you need to ventilate your home and remove as much of the standing water as possible. This will reduce the long-term damage caused to your home and prevent the growth of mold. Remember to take photos of the water damage, as they may be required by your insurance provider. 

#3: Delaying Calling a Water Damage Restoration Service

It can be tempting to try to fix the water damage independently, without seeking the assistance of a water damage restoration service. This, however, can be detrimental to the safety of your home. While it is essential to remain active by removing standing water and ventilating your home, employing an expert is the surest way to guarantee that your home can be restored. 

Companies that provide water damage restoration services, such as All Fire & Flood, will conduct assessments of both the extent of the damage and the nature of the water, ensuring that the correct safety and hygiene measures are taken. After safely removing the water, specialist equipment will be used to dry your home and prevent the growth of mold.  

The company you choose to work with can also assist with your insurance claims by providing documents that detail their procedures as well as their own photos of the damage. Using a restoration service is the best way to restore your home after water damage. 

Final Thoughts

Experiencing water damage can be a stressful occasion full of uncertainty, however, it is important to remember that there are steps you can take to minimize the damage as well as experts, such as those at All Fire & Flood, who can help you restore your home to its former glory. 

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